
Quality has no substitute, that's why developed a suitable infrastructure to ensure Quality right form picking raw material to packaging of finished goods. Our own chilly trading office at Nagpur and Guntur - enables us to procure best quality goods, and our chain of cold storage helps retain the freshness and flavour through all the seasons.

Our Processing unit being handed by skilled staff ensures quality at all stages, while we employ over 500 graders, our efforts to maintain quality is also supported by testing Laboratories attached to our production unit.



Raw material unloaded lotwise after weighting.

Screening of Bags & Storage

Bags weighting more than average weight, containing more moisture are stored in from of sunlight & moisture is removed by natural sun drying. Average weight stored.

Physical Checking

Physical checking of Stones, Stalks and extra seeding is done for 2 to 3 bags randomly in a lot containing more moisture.


One bag is cleaned by hand to remove deteriorate material, undried material, big stones (more than 3 to 4 mm) & unremoved stalks, after 48 hours drying in sunlight.


Dust, extra seeds & stones (less than 3 to 4 mm) are removing by sieving.


Random sample is pulversed.


Chemical & Microbiological testing of pulverized sample.

Star-K-Kosher Certification
Pesticide Free Chillies
Metal detector
Global G.A.P    Spices Board of India    Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority    All India Spices Exporters Forum - AISEF    Decide With Confidence    federation of india export organization    Food and Drug Administration - FDA    kosher    Certified food safety management system    Halal certification in India    Food Safety and Standards Authority of India